Across the United States, colleges and universities support educational environments to foster innovative and creative uses of technology and design. These labs also have the additional benefit of allowing students, staff, and faculty a means of pursuing real-world opportunities to gain and maintain fluency in 21st century technology.
- Innovation Center; SUNY-New Paltz (SUNY-NP is the flagship institution of the MakerBot Innovation Centers)
- CREATE Lab; Carnegie Mellon
- Make-To-Learn; Indiana University
- Frugalnnovation Lab; Santa Clara University
- Knight Lab; Northwestern University
- Harvard Innovation Lab; Harvard University
- Innovation & Entrepreneurship Institute; Temple University
- Digital Fabrication Lab; Ball State University
- Maker Lab in the Humanities; University of Victoria, Can.
- Illinois MakerLab; University of Illinois
- MakerBridge (blog); University of Michigan
- A2 Fab Lab; University of Florida
- MakerSpace; North Carolina State University (Library)
- Nebraska Innovation Campus; University of Nebraska
- ThinkLab; University of Mary Washington (VA)
- Center for Engineering Education; University of St. Thomas (MN)